Educating your customers while creating demand You know the feeling you get when you walk into a car dealership. You mentally prepare yourself to be confronted by a salesperson from the parking lot. In some…
One-Upping Your Big Box Competitor
Recently I took my youngest son to his pediatrician for a persistent cough that was not going away. What started out as an innocent cold was now looking like the beginnings of the flu. Since…
Surviving Facebook’s News Feed Change
Just when you got use to Facebook the way it was, here comes another change. Finding it hard to keep up? You're not alone. But adjusting to it may not be as daunting as you…
3 Steps to Building a Successful Revenue Stream – Step 3: Package & Monetize
Package & Monetize It's exciting to start off a new year. It gives you a chance to start fresh and set new goals and standards. You've set your plan in motion by taking stock of…