I love it up here! Suspended in air. Above the clouds. The calm. Even the mild turbulence is somehow comforting to me. It's one of my happy places. Ever notice how once you reach a…

I love it up here! Suspended in air. Above the clouds. The calm. Even the mild turbulence is somehow comforting to me. It's one of my happy places. Ever notice how once you reach a…
Believing the glass is half full So much in life is out of our control. That will always be a given. How we deal with this fact can make a world of difference in the…
How to give the people what they want We’ve often heard the adage “If you build it, they will come” and used it as a mantra. However, when you think about this statement, it’s made…
When to Walk Away Or Stay There are times in business when you have to walk away from the sale. It may not be an easy decision but when conditions aren't right, it’s the best…